Saturday, December 21, 2019

Types of Gamers Essay - 831 Words

Video games have become one of the largest forms of entertainment within the last decade or two. People of all ages play these games to get out of the boring reality of things and experience the thrill of fantasy, combat, or adventure. But what kind of games gives you the experience you want? Some may want to control one person, a great being on a quest to restore his or her torn land, wielding great powers and becoming enveloped in a great story. Others may want to control a million persons, on a great battlefield, seizing land and bringing about destruction to all who come across his army. Or you may want to recreate your favorite sports team, leading them into the history books as the greatest team to ever step foot onto the field or†¦show more content†¦Games like this lately have begun exploring the internet, where not just one player, but thousands, can join up and fight each other or the lands creatures. Examples of these games include the Final Fantasy series and Eve rquest. Second is the action gamer. This person enjoys games that have him or her controlling a single person, usually in the first person view, and having them also accomplish their goal of saving one thing from the evil of another. These games usually involve missions for the player to partake in, and very beautiful environments for the player to explore, while slaying the many monsters that pursue him. These games are designed for someone who wants to get right into the action, and being slaughtering away. These games also have great storylines and pivotal climaxes like the role playing games, but generally these types of games are not as in depth about customization as is the role playing genre. Examples of these are the Half Life series and the ever popular Halo series. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Thirdly, the strategy gamer. This person enjoys the art of creating a large empire or controlling a massive army into uncharted lands, conquering and acquiring valuable resources in the process, up until there is nothing left to conquer for the player. These games involve the term resource management, where the player must start small, gathering as much as they can, then becoming more powerful as the game continues until the playerShow MoreRelatedHow Does Playing Games Affect the Mind? Essay1566 Words   |  7 Pagesjust want to do it because you love to free and to do things the way you want to do it! Well we have learned a lot so far about games, but let us think about this. There are two types of gamers, the casual players and the Hard Core Players. I definitely fall under hard core player. This is how you categorize it Hard Gamers are the people who stay up all night, forget about responsibilities and just immerse themselves in the game. 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